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Below is a list of key personnel and committees responsible for oversight and management of day-to-day operations for the Curriculum:

Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)Will Valdar, PhD
5044 Genetic Medicine Building; CB 7264; 919-843-2833

Associate Director of Graduate Studies Michael Love, PhD

5009 Genetic Medicine Building; CB 7264; 919-966-7266

Past Director of Graduate Studies – Tim Elston, PhD
411-010B Mary Ellen Jones Building, CB 7365; 919-843-7670

Program Administrator/Student Services Manager (SSM)John Cornett
5012 Genetic Medicine Building; CB 7264; 919-962-4728

Program Administrator/Student Services Manager – Cara Marlow
5011 Genetic Medicine Building; CB 7264; 919-966-5002

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee establishes program policies and evaluates new faculty applicants. It consists of the Director of Graduate Studies, the Deputy Director, the Student Services Administrator, three faculty, and three student representatives:

  • Boyce Griffith, PhD, Associate Professor of Mathematics
  • Yun Li, PhD, Professor of Genetics and Biostatistics
  • Jeremy Purvis, PhD, Associate Professor of Genetics
  • Natalie Stanley, PhD, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
  • Jason Stein, PhD, Associate Professor of Genetics and Neurobiology
  • Di Wu, PhD, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Dentistry
  • Current student representatives: John Patrick Flores, Kushal Koirala, Tooba Rashid, Ellen Risemberg,
  • Former members: Haeun (Hannah) Hwangbo, Logan Whitehouse.

Matters that involve specific students or personnel, including students for training grant appointments and ruling on request for exemptions for BCB policies, are handled by the Executive Committee, which is the Steering Committee without the student representatives.

Other task-specific committees and positions

BCB/GMB/Genetics Friday Seminar Series committee

AY 2024: Natalie Stanley, PhD; Quinn Eberhard, Abdalla Alkhawaja
AY 2023: Natalie Stanley, PhD; Quinn Eberhard, Brook Felsheim
AY 2022: Natalie Stanley, PhD; Abdalla Alkhawaja, Gilbert Giri

AY 2021: Nina Nishiyama.

Social Secretaries

AY 2024: Austin Daigle, Emma Klein, Alec Lobonov

AY 2023: Teresa McGee, Alec Plotkin.

Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) senators representing BCB

AY 2023, 2024: Alice Woolard, Ellen Risemberg.