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A certificate of specialization in BCB is also available for students seeking some formal training in bioinformatics and computational biology, but who wish to pursue their degree in a related discipline.

Certificate Requirements

Certificate students are required to take the following courses:

  • BCB 720 (Introduction to Statistical Modeling)
  • Three (3) additional BCB core modules of their choosing depending on the specific type of training that they wish to pursue. (Note: In special cases, and with prior permission of the director, students may swap at most one of these required core modules with another suitable BCB-listed didactic elective.)
  • Attend BCB Colloquium for four semesters.  The Colloquium is an important venue for students to interact with each other and receive feedback on their research projects from both peers and faculty. All Certificate Students are required to present at the BCB Colloquium during final year at UNC.


As with BCB PhD students, certificate students are assigned first-year advisors by the program so they can receive guidance and input regarding their coursework and professional development.

When Certificate is Awarded

The certificate in BCB is awarded only after all the PhD requirements of the home department are completed.  Notation is made from the Graduate School and Registrar on the student’s final transcripts.

How to Apply to the Certificate Program

Applications for the BCB Certificate Program should be submitted to John Cornett, BCB Curriculum Administrator, and should include a document detailing student’s interest in the BCB program, a document containing course work to date at UNC, a current biosketch/cv, and a letter of support from UNC Faculty mentor explaining how participation in BCB will benefit the student.  See application here. All applications will be reviewed by the BCB Executive Committee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I swap one of the core BCB modules with a non-BCB course if that course is highly relevant to BCB research?

A. No. If you are to swap a course with one of the non-required courses, then it must both be BCB-listed (or BCB-cross-listed) and be approved as a substitute by the director.