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Qingyun Liu, PhD

October 12, 2023

Qingyun Liu, PhD

Assistant Professor of Genetics

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-843-6471 | Office: 5061 Genetic Medicine Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Population genomics, Bacterial evolution, Infectious disease, Antibiotic resistance, Pathogenicity
Research Interests: Infectious diseases due to highly pathogenic microbes continue to pose a persistent and evolving threat to humans. The Liu lab studies the evolutionary mechanisms underlying drug resistance and transmissibility in bacterial pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium abscessus, among others.

Shawn Ahmed, PhD

November 12, 2021

Shawn Ahmed, PhD

Professor of Genetics and Biology

Resource Faculty
Phone: 919-843-4780 | Office: 216 Fordham Hall
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Computational Genomics
Research Interests: We are interested in understanding potential functions of nuclear foci that are composed of telomere binding proteins, whose levels can be altered for several generations by a single gamete. This novel form of epigenetic inheritance may be relevant to roles that telomeres play in human aging, in cancer biology, and potentially to the mysterious relationship of environmental stress with human telomere length. We primarily study the nematode C. elegans but are also in translating our work to human biology. We are broadly interested in creative approaches to study telomere biology, genome silencing, small RNAs and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.

Daniel Dominguez, PhD

September 17, 2018

Daniel Dominguez, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pharmacology

Core Faculty
Phone: (919) 966-0131 | Office: 4113 Genetic Medicine Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Computational Genomics, Computational Systems Biology
Research Interests: The Dominguez lab studies how gene expression is controlled by proteins that bind RNA. We apply high-throughput biochemical and computational approaches to understand protein-RNA interactions, RNA processing, and gene regulation in normal and disease biology.

Daniel Schrider, PhD

August 30, 2018

Daniel Schrider, PhD

Associate Professor of Genetics

Core Faculty
Phone: (919) 843-6475 | Office: 5047 Genetic Medicine Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Computational Genomics, Statistical and Population Genetics
Research Interests: We develop and apply computational tools to make inferences about evolution from population genomic datasets. Our research areas include the population genetics of adaptation, genomic copy number variants, and the application of supervised machine learning tools to evolutionary questions.

Corbin D. Jones, PhD

July 21, 2015

Corbin D. Jones, PhD

Professor of Biology and Genetics

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-4443 | Office: 3159 Genome Science Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Statistical and Populational Genetics
Research Interests: Developing novel computational approaches for comparative analysis of genomics data

J. Mauro Calabrese, PhD

June 25, 2015

J. Mauro Calabrese, PhD

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

Resource Faculty
Phone: 919-843-3257 | Office: 4093 Genetic Medicine Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Computational Genomics
Research Interests: Sequence rules to predict long noncoding RNA function, mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by long noncoding RNAs