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Timothy Elston, PhD

Professor of Pharmacology

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-843-7670 | Office: 4092 Genetic Medicine Bldg.
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Computational Biophysics, Computational Systems Biology, Image Analysis
Research Interests: Mathematical modeling of signaling pathways and regulatory networks

M. Gregory Forest, PhD

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Biomedical Engineering

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-9606 | Office: 316A Phillips Hall
Email: | Website:

Research Areas:
Research Interests: Mathematical modeling of lung biology and cell mechanics

Boyce E. Griffith, PhD

Professor of Mathematics and Biomedical Engineering

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-7110 | Office: 306 Phillips Hall
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Computational Biophysics
Research Interests: Mathematical modeling and computer simulation in physiology, especially cardiovascular mechanics, fluid dynamics, and fluid-structure interaction and cardiac electrophysiology.

Karin Leiderman, PhD

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-5962 | Office: Mary Ellen Jones Building 11212A
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Computational Biophysics, Computational Systems Biology
Research Interests: I am a mathematical biologist interested in the biochemical and biophysical aspects of blood clotting and emergent behavior in biological fluid-structure interaction problems. I especially love mathematical modeling, where creativity, biological knowledge, and mathematical insight meet. My research typically includes the integration of mathematical and experimental approaches together with statistical analyses and inference, to determine mechanisms underlying complex biological phenomena.