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Joining the BCB Faculty

The BCB Curriculum is administered by the Dept of Genetics but the program is truly interdepartmental, with members spread across the campus. Faculty membership is not automatic; to become a member, faculty must undergo an application and assessment process (details below). The application includes justifying the reasons for membership, committing to some level of participation and service in various Curriculum activities (listed in the application), and specifying what category of membership is requested — resource faculty or core faculty (see definitions here) — and, in the case of core faculty, providing additional supporting information.

Moving from Resource to Core: Faculty who are currently categorized as resource faculty can apply for reclassification to core by submitting an updated version of their membership application that includes the additional details required to assess suitability for core status.

Fixed-term faculty: Fixed-term (ie, non-tenure-track) faculty are allowed to join the BCB faculty as either resource or core faculty. However, per Graduate School rules, if they wish to mentor a PhD student (particularly if this is in the absence of a co-advising faculty who is tenure-track), then they must have Special Appointed Regular status. That is, they must have been approved to act at the level of Regular Graduate Faculty (ie, tenure-track faculty for mentoring purposes) by the Dean of the Graduate School, as described here. BCB leadership can facilitate this process.


To be considered, please send the following to the Director of Graduate Studies (a single combined PDF is preferred):

1) Your NIH biosketch.

2) A completed version of this form BCB_Faculty_Application_Template2024, with any required attachments.

These items will be distributed to the members of the BCB Steering Committee.  If they approve, you will be appointed for a three-year term, after which you will be evaluated for reappointment.

After Approval:

Once approved by the BCB Steering Committee, you should provide the following items to BCB’s Curriculum Administrator:

  1. Name (as you prefer it listed on the BCB website).
  2. Professional Title.
  3. Current Photo (headshot).
  4. Office Phone.
  5. Office Location.
  6. Preferred Email.
  7. Lab Website.
  8. Research Areas. Choose all applicable from: Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Computational Biophysics, Computational Genomics, Computational Systems Biology, Image Analysis, Statistical and Population Genetics.
  9. Research Interest. 1 to 2 sentence research interest statement.

The Curriculum Administrator will also work with you to schedule a date in the fall to give a presentation about your research to the first and second year students in the BCB Colloquium.

Information on how BBSP works:

For recruiting BBSP students for rotations, read over the For Faculty page of the BBSP, including “How BBSP works for faculty”, “Setting up Rotations”, “Expectations for a Rotation”, “Feedback Meetings with Students”, and “Rotation Grades”.