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Steve Marron, PhD

June 25, 2015

Steve Marron, PhD

Amos Hawley Distinguished Professor of Statistics & Operations Research

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-2188 | Office: 352 Hanes Hall
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Computational Genomics, Image Analysis
Research Interests: Statistical research on high dimensional, functional, and object oriented data analysis, and data visualization.

Yufeng Liu, PhD

June 25, 2015

Yufeng Liu, PhD

Professor of Statistics & Operations Research, Biostatistics, and Genetics

Resource Faculty
Phone: 919-962-4475 | Office: 4250 Genome Science Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Image Analysis, Statistical and Populational Genetics
Research Interests: Statistical Machine Learning and Data Mining; High-dimensional Data Analysis; Nonparametric Statistics and Functional Estimation; Bioinformatics; Cancer Genomics; Medical Imaging Data Analysis

Shawn Gomez, Eng.Sc.D

June 25, 2015

Shawn Gomez, Eng.Sc.D

Professor of Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-966-4959 | Office: 144 MacNider Hall
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Computational Genomics, Computational Systems Biology, Image Analysis
Research Interests: Systems biology with emphases in cancer and infectious disease

Jeff Dangl, PhD

June 25, 2015

Jeff Dangl, PhD

HHMI Investigator and John N. Couch Professor of Biology

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-4469 | Office: 4260 Genome Sciences Bldg.
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution, Computational Genomics, Computational Systems Biology, Statistical and Populational Genetics
Research Interests: Plant Immune System, Plant Microbiome research

Yun Li, PhD

June 25, 2015

Yun Li, PhD

Professor of Genetics and Biostatistics

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-843-2832 | Office: 5043 Genetic Medicine Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Statistical and Populational Genetics
Research Interests: The focus of my research is on the development of statistical methods and their application to the genetic dissection of complex diseases and traits.

Karen Mohlke, PhD

June 25, 2015

Karen Mohlke, PhD

Professor of Genetics

Resource Faculty
Phone: 919-966-2913 | Office: 5096 Genetic Medicine Bldg.
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Computational Genomics, Statistical and Population Genetics
Research Interests: Genetic basis of complex metabolic traits

Jeremy Purvis, PhD

June 25, 2015

Jeremy Purvis, PhD

Associate Professor of Genetics

Core Faculty
Phone: 919-962-4923 | Office: 11018C Mary Ellen Jones Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Image Analysis
Research Interests: Our lab uses computational and experimental approaches to study signaling mechanisms in stem cells and cancer pathways. We are especially interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying “irreversible” cell fate decisions such as apoptosis, senescence, and differentiation. We study the timing and mechanism of these decisions using a combination of time-lapse microscopy and computational modeling. Our ultimate goal is to not only understand how cells make decisions under physiological conditions, but to discover how to manipulate these decisions to treat disease.

Kevin M. Weeks, PhD

June 25, 2015

Kevin M. Weeks, PhD

Kenan Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

Resource Faculty
Phone: 919-962-7486 | Office: 3258 Genome Sciences Building
Email: | Website:

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Computational Biophysics, Computational Genomics
Research Interests: Chemical Biology, Structural Biology, and Bioinformatics of the Transcriptome